Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sandwich, anyone?

One day last summer I got a phone call from a thousand miles away. Mom was in the hospital with congestive heart failure and a lung infection. The doctor said it would be good if we could come, so we packed the pick-up and headed north. Mom made it through that crisis and came home, but it became clear to us that my parents could no longer live on their own without help. We couldn't seem to solve the "help" issue, so the next possibility was to move them across the country to live with us. It took some arranging. We needed a bigger place, for example, not our small, two bedroom mobile home with one bathroom that was fine for two but terrible for four. Travel was another obstacle, since both of them were not well and very fragile. One by one, God worked miracles, and by Christmas we were a family of four in Arizona.

I've heard it called "the sandwich generation" - and our particular variety is the "open-faced" version. In February my daughter and grandchildren flew out for a visit. What a treat to have four generations under one roof - a fine example of a fancy deli sandwich with all the trimmings, the kind that you can barely get your mouth over. For one blissful week we got a glimpse into what is just the norm for families in countries like Mexico.

To be continued...


E said...

Hi Mom,

I'm glad you're back to your blog. And that sure was a wonderful time in March! I wish we could come out again, real soon! If wishes were horses... :-)

Anonymous said...

If wishes were horses,
Beggars would ride...
If turnips were watches,
Id wear one by my side...
And if "ifs" and "ands"
Were pots and pans,
There'd be no work for tinkers!

Love, Mom